Aberdeen, Lady Ishbel, Kelowna
Allison, Susan, West Kelowna
Antonson, Rick, Timbuktu
Armstrong, Jeannette, Penticton Indian Reserve
Atwood, Margaret, Vancouver

Barker, Michelle, Poland
Bartlett, Jon and Rika Ruebsaat, Princeton
Bath, Amanda, N.E. shore of Kootenay Lake
Bawlf, Samuel, Victoria
Beck, Lily Adams, Oak Bay, Victoria
Binning, Sadhu, Vancouver
Birney, Earle, Bowen Island, off West Vancouver
bissett, bill, 750 Hornby Street, Vancouver
Blades, Ann, Mile 185 Road, Peace River
Blanchet, M. Wylie, North Saanich
Bowen, Lynne, 35 Front Street, Nanaimo
Bowering, George, The Cecil Hotel, Vancouver
Bowering, Marilyn, Outer Hebrides, UK
Bracewell, Gerry, Tatlayoko Valley
Brownlee, Maureen, Valemount
Bukowski, Charles, Vancouver
Burns, Robbie, Victoria

Calder, Frank, Atlin
Cameron, Anne, 603 Powell Street, Vancouver
Cameron, Charlotte, Gabriola Island
Carr, Emily, Beacon Hill Park, Victoria
Celis, Luisa Maria, Venezuela
Chambers, Nathalie, Saanich, Vancouver Island
Chow, Lily, Prince George
Choy, Wayson, 15 East Pender Street, Vancouver
Churchill, Winston, Denetiah Provincial Park
Cole, Sidney K., Bethlehem Mine, near Kamloops
Collier, Eric, near Riske Creek
Compton, Wayde, Vancouver
Coupland, Douglas, Vancouver
Craven, Margaret, Kingcome Inlet
Curry, Gwen, Tod Provincial Park

Davis, Chuck, Vancouver
Day, David, Metchosin
de Leeuw, Sarah, Ferry Island, Terrace
de Vries, Maggie, Vancouver
Donald, R.E., Lone Butte, Cariboo District
Douglas, David, Cathedral Grove
Druehl, Louis, Bamfield
Dufour, Lorne, Alkalai Lake near Williams Lake

Edwards, Ralph, 60 miles east of Bella Coola
Elliott, Gordon, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby
Evans, Hubert, Roberts Creek Pier

Fawcett, Brian, Prince George
Fertig, Mona, Vancouver
Fetherling, George, Vancouver
Filteau, Fabienne, Stones Bay, Stuart Lake
Fournier, Suzanne, Brockton Point, Vancouver
Fraser, D.M., 4394 Main Street, Vancouver
Fred, Randy, 76 Bastion Street, Nanaimo

Gallaher, Bill, Barkerville, Cariboo
Galsworthy, John, 1151 Milton Street, Nanaimo
Geddes, Gary, Vancouver
Glavin, Terry, Mission, Fraser Valley
Godwin, George, Whonnock, Fraser Valley
Gordon, Katherine, New Zealand
Grainger, Martin Allerdale, near Keremeos
Guerin, Arnold, 4000 Musqueam Ave, Vancouver

Haig-Brown, Roderick, Campbell River
Halminen, Matti, Soinula, Malcolm Island
Harvey, Stella Leventoyannis, Greece
Hekkanen, Ernest, Nelson
Howay, F.W., 716 6th Avenue, New Westminster
Hull, Raymond, Vancouver
Hungry Wolf, Adolf, Skookumchuk, Kootenays
Hunter, Steven, Big Lake Ranch, Cariboo
Hutchison, Bruce, Bruce Hutchison Library, Victoria

Iglauer, Edith, Garden Bay, Sunshine Coast
Irani, Anosh, 1181 Seymour Street, Vancouver

Jackson, Zaccheus, 2096 Commercial Drive, Vancouver
Jilek-Aall, Louise, Tanzania
Johnson, Pauline, Vancouver
Johnson, Peter, William Head, Metchosin, Vancouver Island
Jones, Kari, Ghana

Kain, Conrad, The Bugaboos
Kawatski, Deanna, Ningunsaw Valley
Keller, Betty, Sechelt, Sunshine Coast
Kennedy, Des, Denman Island
Kinsella, W.P., Vancouver
Kipling, Rudyard, Vancouver
Kiyooka, Roy, 600 Keefer Street, Vancouver
Kluckner, Michael, Calhoun Road on Shuswap Lake
Kogawa, Joy, Vancouver
Komar, Debra, Etolin Island, Alaska
Kopas, Cliff, 438 MacKenzie Street, Bella Coola
Krajina, Vladimir, Haida Gwaii

Laing, Hamilton,  Comox, Vancouver Island
Lander, Tim 1 Bastion St, Nanaimo
Lau, Evelyn, Vancouver
Laurence, Margaret, Vancouver
Lawrence, Grant, 32 km north of Powell River
Lazarus, Eve, Beaver Lake, Stanley Park
Lee, JJ, 5 W Pender Street, Vancouver
Leiren-Young, Mark, Williams Lake
Livesay, Dorothy, English Bay, Vancouver
Loudon, Pete, Anyox, Observation Inlet
Lowry, Malcolm, 1755 Beach Avenue, Vancouver

Mackenzie, Alexander, 65 km northwest of Bella Coola
Mackie, Richard S., Sugar Lake, Monashee Mountains
Maracle, Lee, False Creek,Vancouver
Marlatt, Daphne, Vancouver
Marshall, Daniel, Shawnigan Lake
Matthews, J.S., 1158 Arbutus Street, Vancouver
Mayse, Arthur, near Oyster Bay, Vancouver Island
Mayse, Susan, 18 km. west of Cumberland
McLellan, Don, 3432 Mons Drive, Vancouver
McMurchy-Barber, Gina, New Westminster.
Moody, Althea, Yale BC
Moore, Patrick, Winter Harbour, Vancouver Island
Moran, Bridget, Prince George
Morice, Adrien Gabriel, Stuart Lake, Fort St. James
Morton, Alexandra, Echo Bay, on Gilford Island
Munro, Alice, 2425 Macdonald Street, Vancouver
Munro, Sheila, Victoria
Murray, Peter, Metlakatla
Musgrave, Susan, Haida Gwaii

Neil, Al 222 East Broadway, Vancouver
Neufeldt, Leonard, Yarrow, Fraser Valley
Nicholson, George, Zeballos, Vancouver Island
Nicol, Eric, 350 West Georgia Street,Vancouver

O’Hagan, Howard, Lucerne,  Yellowhead Highway
Olafson, Richard, Payne Road, Saturna Island
Osborn, Bud, 139 East Hastings Street, Vancouver

Pass, John and Theresa Kishkan, Victoria
Pearson, Miranda, Vancouver
Perez, Juan, Haida Gwaii
Persky, Stan, Vancouver
Perouse, Jean-Francois de la, Haida Gwaii
Peter, Laurence J., Metro Theatre, Vancouver
Phillipps-Wolley, Clive, Duncan
Phillips, Ray, Malibu Rapids, north of Vancouver
Piddington, Helen, Loughborough Inlet
Pike, Warburton (1861-1915), Saturna Island
Plant, Chris, Yalakom Valley
Potrebenko, Helen, Davie St., Vancouver
Purdy, Al, Sidney

Rhenisch Harold, Iceland
Robinson, Eden, Kitimaat Village
Robinson, Harry, Chopaka, on Similkameen River
Rodin, Renee, W. 4th, Vancouver
Rooney, Chelsea, north of Creston
Rout, Katharina, Mongolia
Rule, Jane, W 8th, Vancouver
Ruzesky, Jay, Two Hummock Island, Antarctica
Ryga, George, Summerland

Sawyer, Don, Lytton
Scott, Andrew, Telegraph Creek, Stikine
Service, Robert, Cowichan Bay
Shields, Carol, Victoria
Schroeder, Andreas, Vancouver
Shreve, Sandy, Vancouver
Sinclair, Bertrand, Lasqueti Island
Skelton, Robin, Victoria
Smart, Elizabeth, Pender Harbour
Sonkina, Marina, Moscow
St. Pierre, Paul, Fort Langley Cemetery
Starkins, Ed, Vancouver
Stephen, A.M.,  Vancouver
Sterritt, Neil, Near Hazelton
Suzuki, David, Vancouver
Swanson, Robert E., Pan Pacific Vancouver Hotel
Switzer, Gordon and Ann-Lee, Ross Bay Cemetery, Victoria

Tagore, Rabindranath, West Mall, U.B.C.
Teit, James Alexander, Five Nations Campground, near Spences Bridge
Thomas, Audrey, Galiano Island
Thomas, Phil, Jericho Beach, Vancouver
Thompson, David, Near Golden
Tod, John, Oak Bay, Victoria
Trower, Peter, Dunsmuir & Homer, Vancouver
Turner, Michael, Kingsway, Vancouver
Twigg, John West Coast Trail, Vancouver Island

Waddington, Alfred, Mt. Waddington
Wainman, Alec, west side of Okanagan Lake
Waldron, Kathleen Cook, Mahood Falls, near 100 Mile
Walsh, Ann, Barkerville
Wayman, Tom, Vancouver
Wells, Oliver N., Chilliwack
White, Julie, Salmon Arm
Wigmore, Gillian, Stones Bay, Stuart Lake
Wilson, Edward Arthur, Valdes Island
Wilson, Ethel, 1386 Nicola Street, Vancouver
Windh, Jacqueline, Navarino Island, Chile
Woodcock, George, Vancouver
Woodward, Caroline, Lennard Island, off Tofino
Wosk, Yosef, Jerusalem
Wright, Ronald, Peru
Wuitchik, Michael, Sierra Leone

Yee, Paul, Vancouver

Zonailo, Carolyn, 2515 Burrard St., Vancouver